Im no kleenex endorser and pardon me for a messy bed side table
A simple cold can be so annoying and one day it will get so complicated coupled with head ache, running nose, teary eyes, sore throat and eventually cough with body aches. I wish I stopped the moment I sipped that too sweet iced pineapple lemon drink. I guess it was the culprit.Now, I'm here sneezing and with sniffing every now and then and so under the weather. I hate feeling sick. I dont have the right to get sick. So much to do with so little time. Wish I could just stay in bed and rest but have to wake up early and do all stuff expected of a wife. Its been days now and I self medicate, the cold relief after drinking the cold medicine was just for a couple of hours and I pray the 3 capsules turmeric three times a day and a lot of water would be enough to drive the cough away. Its hard to fake being well. Wish I could just be free to be sick wahhehehe.
Made me realize things today:
1. Stay away from sweet cold drinks. Effects are damaging and annoying.
2. Let your no be no. I mean, I hate the effects of sweet stuff, but never hated the sweets per se, I should stick with no to cold sweets, but cravings are simply irresistible.
3. Drinks lots of water. It's best to really be hydrated at all times, it could prevent the thirsty craving of something cold asap, but ended up sick.
4. A rest is not the end of the world.
5. Take it easy.
6. Claim
Jeremiah 30:17 —
“I will give you back your health and heal your wounds.”
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