28 January 2019

He breaks us, to make us.

He breaks us to make us
Genesis 32:22-32
 There's a good reason God calls his people sheep. Sometimes they act bad and wander away from the paths he has mapped out for them.
A good shepherd will relentlessly search for a wayward sheep. Sometimes; if the sheep refuses to follow his master; the shepherd takes a drastic action; he breaks the sheep's leg; and places it upon his shoulders and carried the sheep until it learns total dependence. Tough love - the shepherd breaks the sheep to make sure the sheep always follows the shepherd.
We may think that a God of love would never allow His children feel any pain. But sometimes God breaks us to make us better. He may break our hearts so we will make room for him there. He mat break our will so that we discover his will for us. He may break our physical strength so that we discover God's strength is made perfect in weakness ( 2 Cor 12:9). Like Jacob, the best response to God's tough love is to cling to him and earnestly pray, " I will not let you go unless you bless me."
If you've been acting like a bad sheep and have wandered off the path, climb up on the shepherd's shoulders and let him carry you home while healing.

euphorbia sp; dont know the ID of this euphorbia

I find this plant quite interesting with all the colorful cute spines around and truly of one my euphorbia favorite. Not only because its pretty reddish spots and grows in  a twisted manner. I wish I was able to take a picture the matter one which  was sold last bazaar. Full sun and easy to propagate through cuttings but you have to dry the cut stem for a couple of days until the wound has dried up and its good to plant in a fast draining soil mix to prevent rotting and over watering.