24 March 2011

Zelmarq's life testimony

I grew up in a small part of Carmen, in this City,  born into a god-fearing family for which I am thankful.  We attended church regularly , but knew nothing of a personal relationship with God.  My spiritual life was  a routine, I thought going to church every Sunday, joining the church choir , joining  holy week activities and doing good works were enough. I  Never heard about salvation although i studied in a Catholic school in high school.  Life was all normal and there was nothing to worry about since my father provided  for our needs  even if  his heath was not that good. My mother was  on his side  giving all her support and affection for the family.

My Father’s heath got worst. Our going to church, kneeling for his health and even medication were  not enough to stop him from leaving us. 
I am the ate of 7 siblings, I had done my part of being the good daughter, tried to fill the missing link that my father used to have  but things were never the same. Life was difficult, I ended up working  as student assistant to support my studies and even my mother washed clothes just to support the family.

There were a lot of questions in mind that were beyond my comprehension and just brushed it aside and went on with the so called busy life I had. There was this emptiness,  something  was  missing. This emptiness defines lack of  purpose or substance; and meaninglessness.
Life  was about  me, I, and  myself . It revolves around  my studies, then work, family, career. It seems a purposeless life. I don’t even read the Bible and have no personal relationship with God. I only fall on bended knees when things get rough and its through Him that i cry out and find peace. It was a life without assurance, that if I die i didn’t know where i was going for i knew my good works were not enough to save me.

One day kuya Jerry asked us if are willing to have Bible  study and introduced us to ate Cessie  who became my spiritual mother last May 10, 2001. She introduced to me the Good News- that all of us are sinners that deserve death and hell, but God loved us so much, He sent Jesus Christ to die for our sins, and rose again. We can now go back to God be believing and receiving Jesus Christ into our hearts. I opened my heart and believe Christ as my Lord and Savior.  There were tears of joy on that day I met Jesus by faith. The same joy that ate cc felt, the same joy the angels felt when i said yes to Jesus, there must have been a grand celebration in heaven with angels rejoicing. Its indescribable, to know that Jesus cared for me and have died for my sins and how important i am to Him. I felt so special.  Jesus died for my sins, my sins behind that cross at Calvary. That as a  sinner I needed him, no amount of good works, education, good morals,  religion  could  save me. In John  14:6 Jesus said, “I am the way the truth and the life no comes to the father except through me”. Before, all my efforts  such as going to church, doing good, helping the poor, being a good daughter, doing good at school were all worthless and all dirty in God’s eyes. (Isaiah 64:6 )

That was the  start of learning and loving relationship with Jesus, my  Savior. But one thing I realized that life without Christ was dull and empty, but with Jesus in my life many things change, my plans, my priorities, my character. Although they are gradual, but there are sure changes, changes for the better and best.ly. I have learned to be sensitive to others and God gave me this desire to really share His love to those who are  still lost. I used to depend on my parents to help me and guide me but then the new life with Jesus helped me to depend on someone far greater than my earthly parents could give, my Father in heaven. I have found peace and comfort in the Bible, my source of hope.
I thank Christ Jesus, who had strengthened me, for choosing me to serve him even though I was a blasphemer, a murderer, a  persecutor before . But Jesus has sown mercy.  Now, I don’t want to go to heaven alone, i want to see friends, family, classmates and officemates and acquaintances. I want them to share with me the joy with Jesus in my heart and I want to see them in heaven also. I thank God for this life that he has given to be used by him to reach out to many more.

02 March 2011

Wednesday weeping

Its a wonderful wednesday morning. I praise God for a new life, though I may not have everything in this life but Im thankful for all the blessings that He has poured, I may not have everything I want but I have enough to survive.There are so many reasons to smile, but this morning I had my reason to weep. I thought I have over grown the feeling, but I was never brave when it comes to matter that concerns fathers.

Yes, I cried this morning.

I saw rose rendon on facebook and I how I love the picture of her and her father.

I miss my father. I miss him so much. I ended up weeping. I wept hard. I never had the chance to have a picture with him and as far as I can remember we never had a family picture when he was around. My heart aches. Its aching more than the first broken heart I once had, its painful. Im embracing the pain. Its always this way, I end up getting involved with my emotions. Its already 3: 25pm and im always teary eyed since this morning when that thought comes to mind. I just try to think of happy thoughts to chase my tears away, but the tears just try to remind me that its alright to cry. Crying can be a good exercise for the heart.

Im not alone. There are lots of fatherless children in the world  but  cant I help but reveal the melancholic side of me, it does happen. Im just glad even though I no longer have a physical father  have my Father up there who has lavished me with so much love and care, who died for my sins and save my from eternal damnation, my first love love, Jesus Christ.
Its ok to weep once in a while.
Its ok to cry.
And to those children who have their fathers with them, pray for your fathers, for salvation,  for good health and for protection, always. Treasure each moment together.


01 March 2011

CDO blogger group

Im glad I found the cdoblogger website and Im so happy we have one big blogger family here in cagayan de oro city.

Blogger template gaga

I have been spending much time looking for a template that would be used for my blog. Last week I thought I found the one that would suit me but then when I saw this template   I have decided to change. I just hope I wont change my heart and mind again.What do you think? I wish i could hear comments from you guys. Thank you in advance.