31 July 2008

Ten Commandments of Peace of Mind

1. Do Not Interfere In Others' Business Unless Asked.

Most of us create our own problems by interfering too often in others'
affairs. We do so because somehow we have convinced ourselves that our
way is the best way, our logic is the perfect logic and those who do not
conform to our thinking must be criticized and steered to the right
direction, our direction. This thinking denies the existence of
individuality and consequently the existence of God. God has created
each one of us in a unique way. No two human beings can think or act in
exactly the same way. All men or women act the way they do because God
within them prompts them that way. There is God to look after
everything. Why are you bothered? Mind your own business and you will
keep Your peace.

2. Forgive And Forget

This is the most powerful aid to peace of mind. We often develop ill
feelings inside our heart for the person who insults us or harms us. We
nurture grievances. This in turn results in loss of sleep, development
of stomach ulcers, and high blood pressure. This insult or injury was
done once, but nourishing of grievance goes on forever by constantly
remembering it. Get over this bad habit. Believe in the justice of God
and the doctrine of Karma. Let Him judge the act of the one who insulted
you. Life is too short to waste in such trifles. Forgive, Forget, and
march on. Love flourishes in giving and forgiving.

3. Do Not Crave For Recognition.

This world is full of selfish people. They seldom praise anybody
without selfish motives. They may praise you today because you are in
power, but no sooner than you are powerless, they will forget your
achievement and will start finding faults in you. Why do you wish to
kill yourself in striving for their recognition? Their recognition is
not worth the aggravation. Do your duties ethically and sincerely and
leave the rest to God.

4 . Do Not Be Jealous.

We al l have experienced how jealousy can disturb our peace of mind. You
know that you work harder than your colleagues in the office, but
sometimes they get promotions; you do not. You started a business
sever al years ago, but you are not as successful as your neighbor whose
business is only one year old. There are sever al examples like these in
everyday life. Should you be jealous? No. Remember everybody's life is
shaped by his or her previous Karma, which has now become his destiny.
If you are destined to be rich, nothing in the world can stop you. If
you are not so destined, no one can help you either. Nothing will be
gained by blaming others for your misfortune. Jealousy will not get you
anywhere; it will only take away your peace of mind.

5. Change Yourself According To The Environment.

If you try to change the environment single-handedly, the chances are
you will fail. Instead, change yourself to suit y our environment. As
you do this, even the environment, which has been unfriendly to you,
will mysteriously change and seem congenial and harmonious.

6. Endure What Cannot Be Cured.

This is the best way to turn a disadvantage into an advantage Everyday
we face numerous inconveniences, ailments, irritations, and accidents
that are beyond our control. If we cannot control them or change them,
we must learn to put up with these things. We must learn to endure them
cheerfully thinking, "God wills it so, so be it." God's plan is beyond
our comprehension. Believe in it and you will gain in terms of patience,
inner strength and will power.

7. Do Not Bite Off More Than You Can Chew.

This maxim needs to be remembered constantly. We often tend to take more
responsibilities than we are capable of carrying out. This is done to
satisfy our ego. Know your limitations. Why take on addition al loads
that may create more worries? You cannot gain peace of mind by expanding
your extern al activities. Reduce your material engagements and spend
time in prayer, introspection and meditation. This will reduce those
thoughts in your mind that make you restless. Uncluttered mind will
produce greater peace of mind.

8. Meditate Regularly.

Meditation c al ms the mind and gets rid of disturbing thoughts. This is
the highest state of peace of mind. Try and experience it yourself. If
you meditate earnestly for h al f an hour everyday, your mind will tend to
become peaceful during the remaining twenty-three and h al f-hours. Your
mind will not be easily disturbed as it was before. You would benefit by
gradually increasing the period of daily mediation. You may think that
this will interfere with your daily work. On the contrary, this will
increase your efficiency and you will be able to produce better results
in less time.

9. Never Leave The Mind Vacant.

An empty mind is the devil's workshop. All evil actions start in the
vacant mind. Keep your mind occupied in something positive, something
worthwhile. Actively follow a hobby. Do something that holds your
interest. You must decide what you value more: money or peace of mind.
Your hobby, like social work or temple work, may not al ways earn you
more money, but you will have a sense of fulfillment and achievement.
Even when you are resting physically, occupy yourself in he al thy reading
or mental chanting of God's name.

10. Do Not Procrastinate And Never Regret.

Do not waste time in protracted wondering "Should I or shouldn't I?"
Days, weeks, months, and years may be wasted in that futile mental
debating. You can never plan enough because you can never anticipate al l
future happenings. Always remember, God has His own plan, too for you.
Value your time and do the things that need to be done. It does not
matter if you fail the first time. You can learn from your mistakes and
succeed the next time. Sitting back and worrying will lead to nothing.
Learn from your mistakes, but do not brood over the past. DO NOT REGRET.
Whatever happened was destined to happen only that way. Take it as the
Will of God. You do not have the power to alter the course of God's
Will. Why cry over spilt milk?

26 July 2008

Pizza, anyone?

Wow! sarap naman!
Kain tayo! Sa pizzahut....

18 July 2008

Food Trip...

I missed eating halo-halo, its rainy season but still crave for it
hope the picture could satisfy me coz I got cough.

Yummy grilled fish, hmmm.. Th picture would suffice.
Better than nothing at all. hehehehe

Shrimp rolls, fried chicken and sotanghon.....
My all time favorites.

Not so good to eat these days after the Princess of the Stars
incident. Maybe a few months from now I can eat
this kind of food.
Enjoy watching!!!

17 July 2008

Joyful Living....

Sharing this what I read from our daily bread.

Our search for joy takes us many different directions—dream holidays, shopping, food, clothes, friends, cars—the list is almost endless.

My guess is that if you perked up at the mention of shopping, holidays, or cars, you might have felt a twinge of guilt. We often view the joy of temporal things as less than spiritual and show our discomfort by apologizing for nice things: “I wouldn’t have bought this, but someone gave me a wonderful deal.” As if real Christians never eat quiche, drive cool cars, or wear designer clothes!

No doubt God’s greatest gift to us is our relationship with His Son Jesus. It’s a gift beyond comparison. Jesus promised that when we abide in Him we will experience the fulfillment of His joy (John 15:11), and without that kind of deep, abiding joy the rest of life is mundane at best.

But Scripture also casts the joy of the Lord in terms of temporal things. The enjoyment of “things” can be a positive spiritual experience. When we recognize that He “gives us richly all things to enjoy” (1 Tim. 6:17) and that “every good gift . . . is from above” (James 1:17), our hearts should be full of thankfulness and praise. This, in and of itself, is an act of worship! Enjoy the Giver and the gifts. — Joe Stowell

08 July 2008

Father's Love Letter

The words you are about to experience are true.
They will change your life if you let them.
For they come from the very heart of God...
He loves you...
and He is the Father you have been looking for all your life.
This is His love letter to you...
My Child…You may not know me, but I know everything about you…Psalm 139:1
I know when you sit down and when you rise up …Psalm 139:2
I am familiar with all your ways …Psalm 139:3
Even the very hairs on your head are numbered…Matthew 10:29-31
For you were made in my image …Genesis 1:27
In me you live and move and have your being …Acts 17:28
For you are my offspring …Acts 17:28
I knew you even before you were conceived …Jeremiah 1:4-5
I chose you when I planned creation …Ephesians 1:11-12
You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my book…Psalm 139:15-16
I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live …Acts 17:26
You are fearfully and wonderfully made …Psalm 139:14
I knit you together in your mother's womb …Psalm 139:13
And brought you forth on the day you were born …Psalm 71:6
I have been misrepresented by those who don't know me …John 8:41-44
I am not distant and angry, but am the complete expression of love…1 John 4:16
And it is my desire to lavish my love on you …1 John 3:1
Simply because you are my child and I am your Father …1 John 3:1
I offer you more than your earthly father ever could …Matthew 7:11
For I am the perfect father …Matthew 5:48
Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand…James 1:17
For I am your provider and I meet all your needs …Matthew 6:31-33
My plan for your future has always been filled with hope …Jeremiah 29:11
Because I love you with an everlasting love …Jeremiah 31:3
My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore ...Psalms 139:17-18
And I rejoice over you with singing …Zephaniah 3:17
I will never stop doing good to you …Jeremiah 32:40
For you are my treasured possession …Exodus 19:5
I desire to establish you with all my heart and all my soul …Jeremiah 32:41
And I want to show you great and marvelous things …Jeremiah 33:3
If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me …Deuteronomy 4:29
Delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart …Psalm 37:4
For it is I who gave you those desires …Philippians 2:13
I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine …Ephesians 3:20
For I am your greatest encourager …2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
I am also the Father who comforts you in all your troubles …2 Corinthians 1:3-4
When you are brokenhearted, I am close to you …Psalm 34:18
As a shepherd carries a lamb, I have carried you close to my heart …Isaiah 40:11
One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes …Revelation 21:3-4
And I'll take away all the pain you have suffered on this earth …Revelation 21:3-4
I am your Father, and I love you even as I love my son, Jesus …John 17:23
For in Jesus, my love for you is revealed …John 17:26
He is the exact representation of my being …Hebrews 1:3
He came to demonstrate that I am for you, not against you…Romans 8:31
And to tell you that I am not counting your sins …2 Corinthians 5:18-19
Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled …2 Corinthians 5:18-19
His death was the ultimate expression of my love for you…1 John 4:10
I gave up everything I loved that I might gain your love …Romans 8:31-32
If you receive the gift of my son Jesus, you receive me …1 John 2:23
And nothing will ever separate you from my love again …Romans 8:38-39
Come home and I'll throw the biggest party heaven has ever seen …Luke 15:7
I have always been Father, and will always be Father …Ephesians 3:14-15
My question is…Will you be my child? …John 1:12-13
I am waiting for you …Luke 15:11-32
Love, Your Dad... Almighty God

07 July 2008

Apple for dinner...

Its always a struggle, a daily struggle and I hate it.
I easily get upset.
And I just dont like it when I get upset. So many things seems to come out from my mind and I ca feel my rebelious mind whispering to me, encouraging me to be upset some more.
Just tonight, my housemates forgot to send my dinner (we cook our food in turns, the office is just walking distance from our boarding house,most of the time they send my breakfast or dinner) and of course I felt neglected and self pity went in coupled with so many thougts, I know im over reacting, but I guess I was too excited to think whats for dinner and eneded up having nothing. Or maybe because I was too hungry or I pitied myself for having an apple for dinner.
Hmmmm maybe they have their reasons, but I just hope I can let go of these negative felings and these negative thoughts from coming to life.
I guess I was forced to go on a apple diet for dinner tonight, well, on the other hand I can still consideer myself lucky, many people still dont have something to eat, im just one of the lucky one who can still enjoy an apple for dinner.

04 July 2008

Threads and round coin purses

The first crocheted bag I made...
Colorful coin purses.....
Threads for my crochet making...

Coaster for tall glass

A churchmate ordered three dozens of these coasters which I made with love
and patience. At first I hesistated coz I thought I wont be
able to do the job but im just glad with the results!

My Bookmark making escapade....

This is my bed; it turns out to be this messy when I'm my project
making days......

while making my my projects the tv remote is always there to be my
partner...a glimpse once in while can somehow help to cheer
my tired eyes....

cut cut cut and cut......done with the cutting...
hmmm time for the finishing touches,where's the ribbon and the puncher?

03 July 2008

Another day....

They say I have the worst job in the world, customer service officer. Getting paid to get yelled at, shouted at and sometimes insulted for not being able to meet subscribers desires. Well, no matter how I look at each side of the coin, they are always right, even if they sound so wrong they are always right and they deserve the best. But there are so many things beyond our control and its a matter of being able to play and survive this world of complaints.

I passed the day without a subscriber getting mad at me. Its unusual but im just glad. Its always a daily prayer that I make it through the day with flying colors and true enough another answered prayer. I experimented on being childish with subscribers and they respond in such a manner, and try to be nice as much as possible no matter how maldita and demanding they seem to be, I pretend not to get impatient and impolite to them even when they are shouting and seems to get the earwax from my ears.

I survive the day with just a smile and laugh at their demands. Most often I just joke about it and laugh. Its just a matter of coping. No matter how I try there are things that is beyond my control and God is in control over all the things around.

I Want to Grow Old with you....

What a great day! Started with a great shower humming Adam Sandler's Grow old with you and just like yesterday I ended up singing The Prayer song by Charotte Church and Josh Groban the whole day. I love this song and deeply touched by the lyrics. Sharing this with you and hope you have that someone you want to grow old with. Me, im still praying that it would be him.
I wanna make you smile,
Whenever you're sad,
Carry you around
When you're arthritis is bad
All I wanna do, Is grow old with you
I'll get you're medicine,
When you're tummy aches,
Build you a fire If the furnace breaks
Oh, it could be so nice,
Growin' old with you
I'll miss you, Kiss you,
Give you my coat
When you are cold
I'll need you, Feed you,
Even let you holdThe remote control
So let me do the dishes
In our kitchen sink,
Put you to bed When you've had
Too much to drink
Ohhhh, I could be the man,
Who grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you.

A to Z of Stress Management

Always take time for yourself, at least 30 minutes a day.
Be aware of your own stress meter: Know when to step back and cool down.
Concentrate on controlling your own situation, without controlling everybody else.
Daily exercise will burn off the stress chemicals.
Eat lots of fresh fruit, veggies, bread and water, give your body the best to perform better. Forgive others, don't hold grudges and be tolerant -- not everyone is as capable as you.
Gain perspective on things, how important is the issue?
Hugs, kisses and laughter: Have fun and share your feelings with others.
Identify stressors in advance and plan to deal with them better next time.
Judge your own performance realistically; don't set goals beyond your own reach.
Keep a positive attitude, your outlook will influence outcomes and the way others treat you. Limit alcohol, drugs and other stimulants, they affect your perception and behaviour.
Manage money well, seek advice and save at least 10 per cent of what you earn.
No is a word you need to learn to use, wherever necessary, without feeling guilty
Outdoor activities by yourself, or with friends and family, can be a great fun and a way to relax. Play your favourite music rather than watching television.
Quit smoking: It is stressing your body daily, not to mention about its killing effects. Relationships: Nurture and enjoy them, learn to LISTEN MORE AND TALK LESS.
Sleep well, with a firm mattress & a supportive pillow; don't overheat yourself and allow plenty of ventilation.
Treat YOURSELF once a week with a massage, dinner out, a movie etc.; Moderation is the key. Understand things from the other person's point of view.
Verify information from the source before exploding.
Worry less, it really does not get things completed better or quicker.
Xpress: Make a regular retreat to your favourite space, make holidays part of your yearly plan and budget.
Yearly goal setting; Plan what you want to achieve based on your priorities in your career, relationships, etc.
Zest for life: Each day is a gift; Smile and be thankful that you are part of the bigger picture

_________________ "Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same."

02 July 2008

Let not your hearts be troubled...

Let not your hearts be troubled!

PEACE OF MIND If you were to ask your neighbor, "What would give you peace of mind?" he might tell you, "A vacation in Bermuda!" or "An extra hundred grand would give me peace!", or "A new Ferrari would make me content!" But going places – and getting stuff – is usually a temporary solution ... Peace of mind rarely comes from getting more stuff. Getting more stuff usually leads to wanting even more stuff! Peace of mind starts with being grateful for what we have right now.

GRATITUDE is POWER When we are thankful for what we have - for the friends we have, and for the things we've got, we attract more good people and good things! People who always complain about what they DON'T HAVE, stay stuck. Complainers attract more things to complain about! It is a law of life. It's hard to explain, but you can observe it around you. We get more of what we dwell upon. That's why all the spiritual masters have taught the same lesson .. "Start by being thankful. Be happy with what you have now, and more will come your way." It's practical advice. Every time you say a silent "thank you" you become more peaceful – and more power. ...............Keep Sharing:-)................