23 January 2019

Drimiopsis maculata variegata

God’s will is done in God’s way and will never lack God’s supply. -Hudson Taylor-

One of my favorite variegated plants ( well I guess they are all my favorite, I may say one of my favorites but they all are special to me in their own special way)  that I have propagated from one pot. Its a caudex former kind of plant and a water lover and just suits the partial sun exposure. Not so hard to care and not sensitive like the rosette forming succulents.

Considered as one of those plants which you can bring indoors but best placed in an area inside the house where there is still filtered sun so that we will be able to achieve the yellowish color or the variegation and should be watered at least every other day to maintain its beauty. When placed outdoors its advisable to place it in an area with morning sun only since too much exposure to extreme sunlight might caused damage to the soft sensitive leaves.