04 October 2013

The relentless pursuer

When he has found it, he will joyfully carry it home. Luke 15:5

Its a man's desire to love and to be loved in return. Many of us love someone maybe secretly and maybe loving that someone on our own. More often than not, that some one loves another and it breaks our heart. I have been to this kind of situation. I broke my heart many times, with the hopeless romantic me, I cried in silence in the darkest corner of my life.


Taken for granted.

God comforted me with his word.

Jesus' theme he was passionate to share, God's pursuit of us.

He has told tales of the lost sheep, coins, sons and increasingly opened our ears to the extent of God's love for us.  The stories often ending up happily ever after, the find of the lost sheep, the finding of the lost coin, and the return of the prodigal son. How each ending of each story gave smiles in our faces and heart warming scenes so touching, a reunion.

How amazing God the eternal pursuer of our souls. We dont have to chase him down or convince him to forgive us and take us back. He is the one seeking to win us back.He longs to lavish us with his goodness while we spend eternity worshiping him.

God loves us so much and He doesnt stop in pursuing us, those he love he will pursue. We are the apple of God's eye and he wants to spend eternity with him.

This God - the the Good Shepherd, Seeker, Father - loves us. He broke his own heart in pursuit of our hearts. Listen, and we will hear his i love you today.

Listen and let him catch you and me.

Pursuer of my Soul Lyrics

Verse 1:
I stand before You undeserving, 
My heart You know and see
Still you take me to your chambers
By grace accepting me.
You lead me in with no intention of ever letting go

Chorus 1:
God of love, pursuer of my soul
You refuse to let me go
In your presence I remain

Verse 2:
I stand before your throne of glory
Captured by your grace
And I find the sweetest feeling
As I'm locked in your embrace
I cling to you with no intention of ever letting go

Chorus 2:
God of love, pursuer of my soul
You refuse to let me go
In your presence I remain
God of love, you created me to be
By your side eternally
In your presence I remain.

Love has found me, it surrounds me
I am yours, I am yours