03 June 2015

Because Im Choleric, Its not an excuse

          If you are a customer like me and you look like this like me, surely the customers will feel scared. Maybe you would have second thoughts in approaching or  giving your concerns. Hmmm I have received side comments about the way I look, stern face, heavy face, not smiling. Well, it hurts and its the truth and often time I retaliate, I rebel and i justify myself. Just like what happened this morning, the lady was looking for the sweet and kind customer beside me. And when she left, I heard them conversing with the guard and I accidentally heard the word "bug-at ug nawong" which means heavy face or stern face not friendly face. I got a little defensive about it. And realized that I should have a godly response to this kind of situation.

        I know I should take it on the lighter side and use the criticism as positively as I can, for change for the better, for me to improve. My temperament is never an excuse for me to justify my short comings. I know its a personal matter but I should apply all that I have learned, and a question popped and I asked myself is Christlikeness reflected in my actions and how I deal with people? Have I become a blessing?  I know I should reflect God's love and mercy to others.  I got guilty about it,  I know I should have been kinder and should have been its a challenge for me to improve. I have to smile because a customer service should be helpful, should be friendly and should be approachable with a light face not a heavy face.

How to look approachable:
1. Smile - though  have tantrums I should serve with a smile.
2. Be patient - Im impatient and I know to be an effective servant I should listen and take time to wait for the subscribers, not hurry but have quality time with them.
3. Smile - I have to remind myself as constantly as I can coz I have the tendency to have that tiger look which could be scarry to look at.
4. Be accommodating -   dont make subs feel they are not welcome
5. Smile
6. Pray
7. Begin the day with God's word.
8. Pray always.


Anonymous said...

Hey very nice blog!

Zelmarq said...

Thanks wish to follow your blog too.