03 August 2011

See God In the Ordinary

Im reading the book Simple Living For Women its a nice book and I would like to share what I have read from that book on this blog.

Day 1 : See God in the Ordinary

There are small wonders of nature everywhere. Yet these miracles are so easy to miss, especially as the pace of life speeds along.Days and weeks whirl by, and time for noticing nature's beauty slips away. We will can see the blessing of these beauty if we just pause for a while and pay attention to the handiwork of the Creator. As we pause and enjoy God's creation, we awaken the presence of God Himself. We experience his finger print in every intricate detail, His closeness in every moment.

I tried that when I went out for work one morning, and alas I felt the fresh of air that greeted me and embraced my with the scent of a sampaguita flower nearby, I noticed how a yellow butterfly who gracefully found its way to some wild roses which grow on the sidewalk. Wow, what an amazing sight. It was indeed a blessing to pause for a while and enjoy each moment. The creation made for you and me. I never noticed that a few mornings before coz I always go out in a hurry. Its seeing God in the ordinary things in life. It gives an enthusiasm that will sustain us throughout the day.
Study the intricate details of a single flower. Thank God for the ways his amazing handiwork reminds us of a simple life.
On a clear night stand outside and marvel at the starry evening; ponder God's love for us.

I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which 
God speaks to us every hour, if we only will tune in.
George Washington Carver