25 April 2013

Blogging fatigue cure for myself

Im tired.

Ive noticed that Im not the same blogger that I used to be and will be. It seemed that I ran out of stories to tell, pictures to post and things to say. Well, I dont have enough reasons nor excuses to comfort myself, but one thing I know maybe its too much facebooking, yes, eating my time just browsing, looking at other people's pictures, posts and etc. Minding other people's business. Too bad for me. Its all about me, the discipline of being able to carry out the blogging targets I set at the beginning of the year but failed to hit even one fourth of the mark. And now Im trying to get rid of this blogging fatigue. I know  it would take a while to be restored but I have some points to tell myself for the blogging purpose.

1. I plan to blog daily. Its should not be long, but just enough to stir my imagination and just to have fun playing with letters on the keyboard.
2. If there's no idea that would flow from this tired mind, maybe a post of a cute or interesting photo with a few thought provoking captions will do.
3. This is my blog and I can do anything here, except things that would hurt and bad for others. of course, its a blog where I want my readers to be inspired and not feel bad about.
4. Simple things in life, daily trials, daily struggles I can also share to my readers.
5. Even daily victories and daily praises to our Lord.
6. Minimize facebooking time, lessen time for playing games on face book and lessen minding other people's businesses. That way I could be more productive in my blogging life.
7. Read other blogs, get inspired, comment other blogs.
8. Enjoy blogging.
9. Love blogging
10. Blog daily

Hmmmm, Hope the list goes on and on but I still have to think about many things and just add on my list from time to time.

Today's verse:

Hosea 6:1
“Come, let us return to the Lord.
He has torn us to pieces
    but he will heal us;
he has injured us
    but he will bind up our wounds.


cheekeegirl said...

I was like you before when I starting to blog. FB and other websites. No topic in mind. mental block all the time. I was pressuring myself to hard to write but it doesn't sound true and natural. But as I get to look on others blog, I learn and inspired by them. I have envisioned and made a goal to where my blog leads me. And my patience also improved unlike before. Determination and passion are the key. Always my support

Zelmarq said...

hello cheekegirl, im glad someone shared her life by reading this post. I dont know, im just desperate and worried about how my blogging life could end so swiftly. Its nice, id like to be inspired.