Good morning Heavenly Father! Iam very busy today, but I knew I needed to stop and talk to You before I rush into my day. Forgive me for being to aggresive at times and rushing into projects that I never brought to You in prayer. I have done so many things and made some wrong decisions, yet You have kept Your hand upon me. Im so thankful for that. NOw purge my new agenda today. Take out of my life those who break my focus off Your assignments. Bring...
26 June 2008
19 June 2008
What's your birth verse?
Mine is2 Timothy 2:15 NIVDo your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.Would you like to know yours?Check this out!Have a nice day to all and take ca...
09 June 2008
Rubik's cube mania...
Well, im not really one of the nerds enjoying the mystery of the rubik's cube but I want to learn to solve it so I bought one for myself since almost all in our department enjoy solving it using the algorthm found in the internet.
Actually, the IT people specifically Arthur started it and now it circulated like a virus that has spread to our department. I never tried solving a rubik's cube before even when I was young I never imagine myself be...
My mother's eye operation...
Just three weeks a go, this same day an accident happened at home. I recieved a text message from my younger sister seeking for help since mother kept crying because she cant see. What happened was that some one was cutting bamboo and mother is just near got hit and the left eye was a ffected. We thought it was just a mere foreign object but, I was shocked tot hear that theres a surgery needed.This was the first incident like this in our family...
04 June 2008
Dance With my father again
I got melancholic this morning again because of such a lovely song for dead fathers. I cried so hard and listened to the song many times and I remember my father. It broke my heart, it was a long time when we last danced and I know we will never have that chance again.Im sharing the lyrics of the song that pricked my heart:"Any man can be a Father,but it takes a special person to be called Dad."Dance With My Fatherby Luther VandrossBack when I was...